Residents and chef picking fresh produce in the garden

Featherton House’s Green Delights: How The Garden Grows!

Featherton House Care Home in Deddington has been buzzing with excitement about its fabulous garden, a living testament to the power of sustainable living.

That’s thanks to the fantastic gardening club, spearheaded by the ever-passionate Jock. His green fingers and the club’s hard work have ensured that the garden isn’t just lush – it’s productive too! Throughout the summer, the home has been graced with a cornucopia of fresh veggies and fruits. Think crunchy cucumbers, hearty runner beans, and oh-so-silky aubergines. Yum!

Turning the garden’s produce into delectable feasts for the residents

But what’s a garden bounty without someone to make the most of it in the kitchen? Enter Sue, Featherton House’s culinary genius. She’s been whipping up a gastronomic storm, turning the garden’s produce into delectable feasts for the residents. The bonus? Every bite boasts of not just nutrition but also the incredible taste that only garden-fresh ingredients can offer.

The garden isn’t just about the edibles.  Majestic sunflowers reaching for the skies and vibrant gladioli standing tall have painted the walled gardens in bright hues. Talk about natural beauty at its finest!

In the words of the home manager, Hilda Sanyika: “The transformation of our garden into a source of sustenance and beauty is truly remarkable. It’s heartening to see our residents enjoy the fruits of their labour, literally and figuratively. Sue is doing a great job with the fresh produce, and everyone loves spending time in the garden, especially with Jock keeping a keen eye on things! The garden has become a haven of therapy for everyone, not just our residents.”

Featherton House has been rated as ‘Good’ overall and ‘Outstanding’ in care.

Are you searching for care? Find out more about the outstanding care offered at Featherton House Care Home in Deddington.

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